The Tax Collector’s Office is staffed with a full-time collector and one full-time clerk.   This page has some information which we hope you find helpful.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dana O’Hara
Tax/ Sewer Collector
Phone: 856-767-1854 ext 226

Monday: 8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
(Drive up window after 7:00 PM)

Tuesday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Closed on Friday


Payments Methods:


Checks should be made payable to the Township of Berlin.


Checks may be mailed to 135 Route 73 South, West Berlin, NJ 08091

Checks are posted on the date received (or within 48 hours as regulated by State statute) and scanned/deposited to the bank on the same day as posted.

Drop Box:

Checks may be placed in the drop box in the rear of the building next to the drive up window.  Any payment placed in the drop box after 4:30pm will be considered received on the next business day. 

Taxes and sewer must be paid with SEPARATE checks. 

Drive-up Window:

The tax and sewer office also has a drive-up window located in the back of the building.  This window is clearly marked with a sign that says Tax & Sewer Payments Here.  Please press the button to let the office know that you are there. 

Please note if there is a delay in response, the Collector and/or Clerk may be on the phone or assisting another resident.  Please be patient or use the drop box. 


If you choose to pay online through your own bank, please note the following:

  • These payments are not electronic transfers since your bank mails us a physical check. The tax office is mandated by State statute to use the date the payment is RECEIVED as the date of payment.  Please check your bank’s policy on delivery times to avoid late interest charges.  Most banks recommend scheduling payment on or before the due date to ensure payment is received within the grace period.

Payment schedule if you pay your own taxes:

If you do not receive a bill by the due date, you are still responsible for the payment.

Once the bills are mailed, we can only assume they have been delivered.

Township of Berlin, Tax & Sewer Department:
135 Route 73 South, West Berlin, NJ 08091
856-767-1854 ext 225

  • Taxes are billed once a year in July with 4 quarterly stubs on each bill and are due the 1st of the month with a 10 day grace.
  • Municipal Sewer is flat rate, billed annually with 4 quarterly stubs mailed in December prior to the start of the next year.

Borough of Berlin Water
59 S. White Horse Pike, Berlin, NJ 08009
856-767-7777 ext 3
Berlin Borough

  • Water is billed quarterly in the beginning of month and is due by the 30th of that month. Billing is based on consumption.

Camden County MUA
Payment Address:
P.O. Box 1105, Bellmawr, NJ 08099-5105

  • Regional/County Sewer is flat rate, billed quarterly and is due by the 15th of the next month.
Jan 1st
Municipal Sewer 1 Unit @ 81.25
Feb 1st
Feb 15th
CCMUA – Regional Sewer Service/County Sewer 1 Unit @ 88.00
March 1st
Borough Water – due by March 30th
April 1st
Municipal Sewer 1 Unit @ 81.25
May 1st
May 15th
CCMUA – Regional Sewer Service/County Sewer 1 Unit @ 88.00
June 1st
Borough Water – due by June 30th
July 1st
Municipal Sewer 1 Unit @ 81.25
August 1st
August 15th
CCMUA – Regional Sewer Service/County Sewer 1 Unit @ 88.00
September 1st
Borough Water – due by September 30th
*October 1st
Municipal Sewer 1 Unit @ 81.25
*The water and municipal sewer payable through the 10/1
quarter must be paid in full within one week past the grace period to avoid the shut-off of the water services.
November 1st
November 15th
CCMUA – Regional Sewer Service/County Sewer 1 Unit @ 88.00
December 1st
Borough Water – due by December 30th

Real Estate Tax Collection

The Office of the Tax Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of all property taxes.   Your taxes are calculated by multiplying your property’s assessed value by the current year’s tax rate.    The tax rate is provided by the County after it is established or struck after the adoption of the annual budget. Adoption of the budget generally occurs in early summer and depending upon adoption, tax bills (actual or estimated August bills) are scheduled to be mailed in June.  

Regular tax bills are issued annually with 4 quarterly stubs due in August, November & February, May.

Estimated tax bills are issued for the August quarter only. After an official tax rate is struck a final bill for the current year (November quarter) and preliminary half year (February & May quarters) are mailed in September.

Tax bills will show a breakdown of the amounts due for the County & Municipal portion of taxes for open space, libraries, schools and the fire districts.

State Property Tax Relief Programs

For information about State Property Tax Relief Programs, including eligibility criterion and potential deduction or credit amounts, please visit the Division of Taxation’s website.

Lien Redemption

Municipal and Third party tax liens cannot be paid online. All redemption’s of liens must be made through the tax office.  You can request pay off amount by emailing,  Please provide pay off date (Date funds will be received) and advise the interest you have in the property.  N.J.S.A. 54:5-54.

New Construction /Added Assessment Billing

New Construction billing is slightly different in the first year of billing than regular tax billing due. This is due to an additional billing known as an added assessment bill. 

Added assessment/New Construction billing is the billing of the actual, newly constructed improvement or physical dwelling which was built on the vacant land.   The vacant land will have an original partial assessed value which it is billed upon (ex. 15,000 x the tax rate) and after construction a second bill for the improvement/dwelling to the vacant land will be issued in October and due for the November quarter (ex. 260,000 x the tax rate).  The added assessment bill is in addition to the originally billed vacant land.  

The upcoming January after the added assessment is billed, the new home should have a full value of the property on the tax rolls and will then be billed as a regular tax bill.

Added Assessment/Established Home -  Ex.  Shed, Deck, Patio, etc.

Added assessment billing is the billing of the actual, newly added improvement which was built/added on to the existing home or property/land.   The existing property/home will  have had an original tax bill which has been previously billed (received in Jun-July) and after construction/addition of the improvement (deck, shed etc) a second bill for added value to the existing property (ex. 2000 x the tax rate).   will be issued in October and due for the November quarter The added assessment bill is in addition to the originally billed vacant land.  

***Contact the Assessor’s Office for additional information or explanation if required***

Utility (Township Sewer):

The Office of the Collector is also responsible for the billing and collection of utility charges.  This bill is for the maintenance of the sewer system within the Township of Berlin. 

The Annual Sewer bill is $325.00 per billable unit (EDU).  These charges are billed and mailed out in the beginning of December each year for the following calendar year. This bill is due quarterly on 1/1, 4/1, 7/1 and 10/1 with a 10 day grace.  All 4 quarterly stubs are included in the December mailing.  You will not receive a bill each quarter.  Sewer that remains unpaid at the end of the year is subject to the same tax sale law as unpaid taxes.

We offer a quarterly email reminder for the sewer bill.  This email will go out approximately 2 weeks prior to the due date to remind you to pay and will have a printable bill attached in case you can’t find your original blue stub.  This is only a reminder not an additional amount due.  If you wish to get a quarterly email reminder, please use the link named sewer email reminder on the main tax department page.

Please note: There is also a quarterly sewer bill for CCMUA (Camden County Municipal Utility Authority) that each property receives.  This bill is for the waste treatment center.